Orlando Divorce Mediation Attorney

It is common for spouses to disagree on divorce terms when their marriage comes to an end. Common sources of discord include child custody, child support, parenting plans, division of assets, and alimony. These kinds of issues can complicate the divorce process, resulting in needless frustration and wasted resources. The skilled divorce lawyers at the O’Mara Law Group are here to make sure you are well-represented at the mediation table and in court. Contact us today to schedule your free, confidential consultation.

Written and edited by our team of expert legal content writers and reviewed and approved by Attorney Mark O’Mara

Content last updated on: March 21, 2024

When marriages end, separating spouses may run into disagreements about asset distribution, spousal support, child custody, and future parenting plans. Often, emotions run high, which can complicate the process further, both in court and during divorce mediation. If the divorce is not amicable, one or both parties may feel misunderstood, making it difficult for them to work out their differences. 

That is where the Orlando divorce mediation attorneys at O’Mara Law Group can help. We are here to compassionately listen to your story and make sure you receive the excellent legal representation you deserve. We are ready to evaluate your situation and help you present the best case possible in court and in mediation. Contact us today to schedule your free, confidential consultation with a skilled Orlando divorce lawyer.

What Is Divorce Mediation?

Mediation is meant to provide a non-adversarial setting to resolve legal disputes, including those involved in divorce. In a divorce mediation, a neutral third party known as the mediator helps separating spouses express their desires, voice their concerns, and ultimately come up with a mutually satisfactory solution to any issues involved in the dissolution of their marriage. Essentially, the mediator helps guide the discussion as the ex-spouses come up with a workable post-marriage arrangement. 

In general, mediation is thought to be a less combative setting than courtrooms, allowing both parties to work out their differences in a less charged atmosphere. Mediators are generally very familiar with governing divorce laws, as well as the issues divorcing spouses typically face. This expertise means they are well-equipped to help the parties successfully resolve complex problems.

Further, because a full-fledged divorce trial in court can become expensive and dig into marital assets, mediation can also serve as a worthwhile cost-saving alternative. Our legal team has extensive experience handling divorces in court and in mediation. Let us put that experience to work for you.

Is Mediation Required in Florida?

The legal system strongly encourages mediation when handling civil disputes, including divorce cases. This helps reduce the number of cases the overburdened court system has to handle. It also encourages parties to find as amicable an arrangement as possible for their lives after divorce. Though mediation is not always required, judges will often order divorcing spouses to attend mandatory mediation before proceeding further in court.  

In some cases, divorcing spouses may resent being forced to mediate their case. However, it is worth keeping in mind that a successful mediation can save significant costs that would otherwise cut into marital assets. At the O’Mara Law Group, we work closely with our clients to secure the best possible result on their behalf. Whether in mediation or in court, we are ready to do the same for you.  

What Are the Benefits of Divorce Mediation?

Mediation has become popular in recent decades as a form of “alternative dispute resolution,” also known as ADR. Again, mediation offers multiple benefits when compared to traditional litigation in court. This section explores a few of those benefits. 

1. Timing

Sadly, the court system in Florida and in many other states have more cases filed than they can realistically handle in a timely manner. Divorcing spouses can spend many weeks and months waiting to have their divorce finalized in court. Mediation provides a more flexible alternative, allowing you to schedule a convenient time to sit down with a mediator rather than let your case languish on a court docket. 

Further, there is less pressure to have all issues resolved in one sitting, as you can schedule a follow-up appointment with the mediator more easily than you can schedule a hearing with a court. Further, there are fewer deadlines to worry about. For these reasons, a successful mediation can reduce complications and significantly speed up the timeline of your divorce. 

2. Cost

Not only are divorce trials time-consuming, they can also be costly. These two considerations generally go hand in hand. At the end of the day, mediation may be an attractive alternative simply because it can significantly reduce the cost of your divorce. If a divorcing couple works out most of their differences in mediation, the final hearing in court will simply take place to work out any remaining issues and finalize their out-of-court agreements. 

3. Confidentiality

Many people forget that court proceedings and divorce decrees are generally public record. However, everything said during the mediation process is entirely confidential. For many divorcing couples, this discretion is valuable. After all, marriage and divorce are extremely personal in nature. In general, mediation provides a safer space for spouses to discuss what their lives will look like after their divorce than an open court before a judge. 

4. Freedom To Make Decisions

If spouses cannot come up with solutions to resolve their differences, key issues will be left for a judge to decide. The result can be difficult to predict and cannot be guaranteed. Mediation is an excellent way to take matters back into your own hands where possible. Where a judge would be forced to apply rigid standards required by law, mediation gives divorcing spouses an opportunity to come up with more flexible and workable solutions among themselves.

Do You Need a Lawyer in Divorce Mediation?

Strictly speaking, no. Practically speaking, absolutely. There are many reasons that hiring a divorce attorney from the O’Mara Law Group to help you in mediation is a prudent alternative to taking it on alone.  

  1. Legal Expertise: First and foremost, our family and divorce lawyers have a deep understanding of the governing law in Florida. For most people, trying to make sense of substantive law, as well as civil procedure, and applying it to their case is simply not realistic. Attempting to do so can seriously compromise your legal rights and options. Once the damage is done, it may be irreversible.
  2. Professional Objectivity: Second, most divorce cases can be very emotionally charged. Our compassionate team of attorneys is here to hear your full story and work closely with you to achieve the results you want. That said, as seasoned professionals, we can also take an objective look at the facts of your case and how they interact with the governing law. This professional outlook empowers us to create an effective legal strategy to achieve the best results possible. As your counselors at law, you can count on us to handle your case with utmost care, as well as provide honest feedback. 
  3. Legal Paperwork: Third, our Orlando divorce mediation lawyers are ready to handle the significant paperwork inherent to legal cases, both in court and in mediation. We have decades of experience handling divorce cases on behalf of our clients, and we guarantee that yours will be handled in the most professional manner possible. We find this approach yields the best results for our clients.
  4. Effective Representation: Finally, though mediation is meant to be a flexible alternative to a court trial, it is still best to have a legal professional evaluate your situation to craft the strongest arguments possible on your behalf. Our role as attorneys involves two steps: (1) work closely with our clients to understand their goals and (2) develop an effective legal strategy to achieve those goals.

Our Experienced Orlando Mediation Attorneys

The Orlando mediation attorneys at O’Mara Law Group have the skills and experience necessary to handle even the most complex divorce cases. We believe in the high quality of our services. When working with our all-star team of family law and divorce attorneys, you can rest assured that your mediation is being handled by the best of the best. 

  • Mark O’Mara: Founding partner Mark O’Mara has over 40 years of experience as a Florida divorce and family lawyer. He is certified as a Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator and as a Circuit Civil Mediator. He currently serves as President of the Central Florida Family Law American Inn of Court. 
  • Mark Rabinowitz: Attorney Mark Rabinowitz joined the O’Mara Law Group in 2023. With over two decades of experience as a family lawyer, he focuses his practice on complex marital and family law issues. He has also served as a member of the Marital and Family Law Certification Committee of the Florida Bar and the Family Law Rules Committee.

Our experienced team of Orlando divorce mediation attorneys is committed to helping our clients find the best path forward to life after marriage. We understand that divorces can be extremely difficult for our clients and their families. We are here to help.

Our Divorce Mediation Attorneys Are Here for You

Handling a divorce, whether in trial or mediation, can be difficult without help. The best way to make sure you know your full legal rights and options is to work closely with a skilled divorce attorney. The stakes can be high, and the wrong decision can result in unnecessary expenses and a divorce decree that falls far short of your desired outcome. 

The Orlando divorce mediation attorneys at the O’Mara Law Group have the skills and experience necessary to handle your case from start to finish. Reach out today to learn more in a free consultation.

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