Toxic marriages are extremely difficult for the victim. Not only are victims treated unfairly and sometimes cruelly, but it is also not always so easy to identify when a marriage has become toxic. Toxic behavior in a marriage can either be very subtle, or it can be severe. Regardless, remaining in a toxic marriage for any period of time will have emotional effects that last for a long time. If you are in an unhappy marriage and fear that it may be toxic, below are three signs that it might be time to consider a divorce.

Your Spouse Gaslights You

Gaslighting is a term that comes from the play and movie of the same name, and it has become synonymous with toxic relationships. When one person gaslights another, they manipulate them into believing they are mentally unstable. For example, one person in the marriage may accuse their spouse of having an affair as a way to deny that they are not being loyal. Or, a spouse may constantly move items around the home and deny it simply to hurt the other person. Gaslighting is extremely toxic behavior and can cause significant damage to a person emotionally and physically.

Your Spouse Isolates You

Toxic people like to isolate their partner from family and friends, as they may provide a support network. Without any loved ones around, it makes the victim feel even more helpless and as though they have nowhere to turn. Isolating partners from their support network is also a control tactic, and toxic spouses are typically also very controlling. Reducing the amount of interference from other people is very important for toxic spouses so they can be the main influence in their spouse’s life.

Your Spouse Sabotages You

Toxic spouses will also sabotage their partners in an effort to retain control of them. Toxic spouses will never consider their spouse equal. Instead, they need to continue to make their partner feel as though they are beneath them and so, they use sabotage to do it. A toxic spouse may hinder their spouse’s attempt at furthering their career, may prevent them from seeing a therapist, or may even interfere with their parenting decisions. All of these sabotaging efforts are meant to prevent the victimized spouse from bettering themselves, or their life so they feel stuck in the toxic marriage.

Our Family Lawyers in Orlando Can Help You Out of Your Toxic Marriage

A toxic marriage is likely to escalate if the spouse that is victimized by it does not get out. At O’Mara Law Group, our Orlando family lawyers understand the difficult position you are in, and we also know how to help you out of it. We will advise on your case, including specific factors such as obtaining an injunction (protection order), if necessary. We can also help you navigate through the  divorce process so you can move on with your new life as quickly as possible. Call us today at 407-634-6604 or fill out our online form to schedule a consultation so we can get started on your case.

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