How Does Adultery Affect Divorce in Florida?
Sexual relations with someone other than your spouse, sometimes referred to as adultery, can have serious repercussions for your marriage, including divorce. Because Florida is a no-fault divorce state, the presiding judge will allow a divorce t...
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How Long Does a Divorce Take in Florida?
When a marriage ends, wanting to move on quickly to the next phase of life is understandable. That said, filing for divorce in Florida normally involves more than signing a form and waiting for a rubber stamp approval...
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Is Mediation Mandatory in Florida Divorces?
Divorce is an emotionally charged process. The parties must carefully navigate Florida’s legal procedures and negotiations to protect their interests while keeping their feelings in check. In recent years, mediation h...
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Legal Separation in Florida
Sometimes divorce isn’t always the best option for couples with marital problems. Many couples turn to legal separation as an alternative. A separation lets couples continue receiving the benefits of marriage while li...
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How Long Does a Father Have To Establish Paternity in Florida?
Being a father seems simple—the child calls you “Dad” and recognizes you as their father. However, it is not always that straightforward.While married fathers are automatically given paternity rights and assumed to be the child's legal father, unma...
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How Long Does a Prenup Last?
A prenuptial agreement, or prenup, is a contract entered into by each partner before marriage defining their property rights in the event of a divorce. Such an agreement is used to help protect and divide the assets a...
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Can You Get a Prenup After Marriage?
When you fall in love and decide to marry your partner, the last thing you’re probably thinking about is protecting your assets should the marriage fail. Later, however, you may wonder, “Can I get a prenup after I’m a...
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How Long Does Alimony Last in Florida?
Divorce has a significant financial impact on both spouses. In Florida, alimony can be granted to a spouse who needs financial support during or after a divorce. Florida law provides for several different types of ali...
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What To Do If Your Ex Refuses Visitation
Parents refuse visitation between their child and their ex for many reasons. Sometimes, it is an act of vengeance and a way to lash out at a former spouse. Other times, a parent may refuse visitation because they beli...
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